PIW Ranks the World's Top 50 Oil Companies

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'Russia and US Shale Reshape Latest Annual Ranking of the
World's 50 Largest Oil Companies from Petroleum Intelligence Weekly'
Brought to you by the flagship publication of Energy intelligence, Petroleum Intelligence Weekly (PIW) this year’s rankings show Gazprom moving ahead of international majors. For the first time the ranking examines the impact of the US shale revolution and we see with a number of large US independents doing especially well due to their shale exposure.
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A Unique Ranking System
Our unique ranking system has been completed annually for the last 25 years, and is based on six operational criteria. The ranking is sourced directly from the Energy Intelligence Top 100: Global NOC & IOC Rankings which has just been refreshed.
Unlike other corporate ranking systems, we allow for comparisons of both national oil companies and private sector firms. The top 50 companies included in the ranking represent over 70% of global oil production and fully two-thirds of global refined product sales, making these rankings truly comprehensive and global. The rankings are based on 2012 data, the latest annual figures available.

This interactive online tool allows subscribers to make quick comparisons across the range of oil and gas companies surveyed to make Energy Intelligence's annual Top 100 ranking. Users can easily analyze, compare, sort and extract key operational and financial data by sector and activity.
As part of the annual update Energy Intelligence provides an Executive Summary of the results: examining the implications of the refreshed ranking by our expert Research & Advisory team. The latest Energy Intelligence Top 100 universe of companies remains an important snapshot of growth strategy success and ongoing challenges in the global petroleum industry.
Find out more about the Energy Intelligence Top 100:Global NOC & IOC Rankings by clicking on the button below where you can also download the Executive Summary of the update.
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See our infographic of the PIW Top 50 Ranking below.
Don't forget that you can view a larger version of our infographic HERE (there is also an option to embed it on your website.)
You can download the PIW Top 50 Ranking supplement here.
Find out more about Petroleum Intelligence Weekly (PIW) here.
Find out more about the Energy Intelligence Top 100: Global NOC & IOC Rankings HERE where you can also choose to download a copy of the Executive summary of the Ranking update.